The Tools
Rather than reinventing the wheel here, we’ll start by looking at a few lists compiled by different folks along the way. The first is from Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano from Globally Connected Learning. This is a great list not only for the useful tools, but because it offers a good number of options for each category without being overwhelming.
Next, we have a graphic formatted in the same way as the revised taxonomy. Lower level thinking to higher level thinking in the form of a pyramid, making association with each level of thinking easy. This one is a great blog called Digigogy.
Next up, a visually pleasing peacock. I like the peacock concept a lot, though in some cases some of the tools are hard to read on the graphic, the original author has links to all of the tools she mentioned on her site.
Kathy Schrock always puts together great lists of tools that address Bloom’s – here is just one of them. Her site also has lists of Google specific blooms tools, iPad/iPhone specific tools, and Android specific tools. The one below addresses web tools specifically.